Join or Renew Your Membership

Welcome to ATOS!

Membership is on an 12-month basis and will start immediately upon joining. The renewal date will be the last day of the month you joined, in the following year. For members outside of the United States, there is a required $15 international postage fee. Gift memberships are available. A gift card will be mailed on your behalf to the recipient.

To join or renew, click below on the desired membership level.*

For regular membership, If you sent in $50.00 by mail or other method, you can click on this item and pay the $20.00 difference online now: Pay $20.00 Membership Top-Up now

If you wish to make a donation instead, please visit our Donate On-Line page.

All memberships are listed in U.S. Dollars. Credit card transactions will be processed by a US bank in U.S. Dollars

To join or renew by mail, use this printable form.