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Cart contents
1 ×Regular Membership (new rate)$70.00
1 ×US First Class Mail$15.00
Subtotal: $85.00
Customer information
Enter a valid email address for this order.
Mailing Address
Enter your mailing address and information here.
* First name:
* Last name:
* Street address:
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* Country:
* State/Province:
* Postal code:
Phone number:
Billing information
Payment method
Order total:$85.00

To complete payment, click on 'REVIEW ORDER' button at the bottom of the page.

NOTE:We use Paypal as our credit card processor. Previously, you did not need a PayPal Account to use this PayPal feature. Recently, PayPal made having an account a requirement. This was not our decision, nor do we agree with this requirement.

We are working to eliminate this requirement. It will take a few weeks to make the change to a credit card processor who does not have this requirement.

In the meantime, if you cannot or do not want to create a PayPal account, please Contact Us. Choose the option to send your message to 'Membership'. Again, know that this change was made by PayPal, and not by ATOS.

To cancel the Paypal transaction, you can click "Cancel and return to American Theatre Organ Society at any time.

You will receive two receipts. One from Paypal for your credit card or Paypal transaction, and one from ATOS with the detail of your membership renewal or purchase.

Order comments
CHAPTER AFFILIATION / MEMBERSHIP NUMBER: If you know your membership number and chapter affiliation, please enter it here. Also, please indicate below if this is a new or renewing membership. You may also enter any other special instructions here.